If you've ever been to the mid-Atlantic coastal region during the summer you've probably had a hard time not noticing Wawa Hoagiefest. It's sprawled across every other billboard, it's being talked about in college dorm rooms, and it's written in the eyes of the people you love. There's a good reason for all this hubbub and that's because Wawa undeniably has the best made-to-order food among any other gas station/convenient store chain. And the best part is, every summer Wawa slings tons of their classic hoagies for super low prices. So, yeah, Hoagiefest is kind of a thing.
When we were approached to work with Wawa on this project they had a fairly sussed-out game plan for a video that would feature a girl who just wanted to fall in love with a custom hoagie. Leading up to production we created storyboards, shotslists, and an animatic which all helped map out the exact beats of the commercial.